Legends, Myths & Lies ~ December 2023 ~ Are legends a blend of fact and fiction?

Hey, hey, My Fantastical Readers—

Ho-Ho- I’m back … like Santa sliding down your chimney with more Legends Myths & Lies!

And speaking of legends, Santa Claus has evolved over centuries. The most significant contribution to the tale is Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas was a 4th-century Christian bishop known for his kindness toward the less fortunate and children. This tale reached widespread popularity with the poem ‘The Night Before Christmas.’ From there, Santa Claus gained influence from advertisements, and over time, the legend has grown into a global phenomenon.

Some say legends are a blend of facts and fiction.

This is where my story comes in … yeah, there may not be truth to the culture of Therans, but what my brainstorming imagination generated. However, Lemuria, Atlantis, and the ancient City of Troy are mythical lost continents or cities with civilizations steeped in mystery and some with people having powers. In all reality, we cannot confirm or deny the existence of these civilizations. For example, Turkish archaeologists have uncovered an ancient coin in northwest Turkey.

It is believed that the figure on the 1,800-year-old coin is Paris; some indicate Paris was blamed for starting the legendary Trojan War. The coin gives value to the myth of Troy.

Now, jump a head … think of the Wakanda from the Marvel Comics. Wakanda is a fictional nation with advanced technology, and it’s hidden from the outside world, not unlike Santa’s workshop. Santa’s got a sleigh with the latest technical advancement and a crew of elves who make toys for all the children, and other than on the television, no one can find its location.

Now, what if the Theran world wasn’t just a ‘legend’ confined to the pages of a book? Would you explore a fictional world like Lemuria or Atlantis to appreciate the author’s storytelling and world-building? Are you curious to delve deeper and uncover more about its existence?

Last minute thought: Hopefully, my books can be found in the UPS of Santa’s sleigh next holiday season.

More information: History or myth, aged coin shows Paris of Troy (hurriyetdailynews.com)

Air hugs!

Cyndi Brec


Author Cyndi Brec (inkerspen.com)




Copyright 2023

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